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THEMA: TWE - Bahnhof Hafen Saerbeck

THEMA: TWE - Bahnhof Hafen Saerbeck
angusde - 07.06.12 12:41


Entschuldigen Sie meine schlechte Deutsch.

Ich baue ein layout basiert om die TWE an Hafen Saerbeck an gleiss N. Sie können mein Thread hier zu sehen auf einer britischen Website: -


Ich wäre dankbar für alle anregungen und hinweise, auch meine fragen aus Güterwagen?

Mein Traum H0  Layout ist hier, aber nur ein Traum:-


Ich hoffe, Sie genießen und finde sie interessant.


Hi Angus,

thanks for showing your project. I really like it!

Probably you are able to realize the layout somewhere between your first sketch and the adoption of google maps. Like adding a bit more generousity to track length, and radiuses

Do you know the container harbour from Jürgen: http://www.jaffa1.de/hafen_0.html

I would be glad to see more of your work in progress.

Hallo Angus,

Dein Deutsch ist vollkommen in Ordnung, und wenn mal etwas nicht klappt, hier können die meisten auch ein wenig Englisch (On and off, I lived in the UK for about seven years).

Dein Thema finde ich sehr interessant. In deinem Thread auf rmweb.co.uk hast Du nach den Ladewagen für die Claas Mähdrescher gefragt:

Meines Wissens gibt es diesen Typ Laadks von Art & Detail ( http://www.artanddetail.de/ , fast ganz unten) nur in Spurweite TT, aber vielleicht lassen sich die Jungs dort ja überzeugen.

Viel Spaß noch
Hi Angus,

small hint: TWE stands for "Teutoburger Wald Eisenbahn" - named after the "Teutoburger" Forest.


Also the combine harvesters are produced by "Claas" - two a.

You had that wrong in the post you linked.

I'm from Bielefeld so I couldn't keep myself from pointing that out

Your whole plan is making me jealous, it's such a great idea to build this (I'm focusing on Bielefeld HBf and the "Haller Willem" myself). I say that because I am driving around Gütersloh (where TWE is located) and Harsewinkel (where Claas has their production facilities and headquarters) all day every workday. You are basically building what I see every day. Really awesome

Those flatbeds with the Claas harvesters are very common around here. You already have the perfect video where you can see that they are transported with the front tires off and stacked on top
each other, then the harvester itself. What isn't shown is the case when they also transport the "Schneidwerk"


You know the cutting unit. You see those less times than the harvesters on their own flatbets, stacked sideways to fit on the wagons.




die Laadks sollen voraussichtlich 2013 von Modellbahn Union kommen.


Letzte Seite im Katalog


Vielen dank für Ihre begrüßung und Kommentare.

Ich kenne die TWE güt aus meiner Zeit bei der RAF / Flughafen Gütersloh, sondern Hafen Saerbeck ist der einzige teil des TWE ich nicht besucht! Ich fuhr den alles auf den dampf sonderzüge. Bei meinem zweiten besucht im Gütersloh, übersehen mein wohnung die TWE.



feel free to just post your comments in English and if a reader has questions I'll be more than happy to translate for them



Hello Angus,

Nice project - I'm crossing my fingers for you.

Very nice, your "Connex Lagepläne PDF".
#Cough# Google translates "Lagerplatz" as "Campsite" - which it is not. In English it will be some kind off "yard". Alas, you also mention (and show in pictures) your love of "Warsteiner".
Now I'm afraid, your (our) English colleagues might think something like:
Germany - Bavaria - Oktoberfest - cheers!
Perhaps on the English forum you might elaborate on the "lager-yard"

Thumbs up from The Netherlands,
I like this idea of a port railway.
One guy who has done a great job in combining a layout with something to play is Felix. He has included the timesaver and an inglenook port
Maybe this is an idea which you can also use.
Hallo Björn,

Felix linked to this great Page where the Timesaver is implemented for the reader to try it out. Unfortunately Felix linked directly to the Timesaver page - it's mandatory to read the instructions to that page first, which are located here:


Because otherwise you don't really know what you are supposed to do

Read you all later, I have to try that thing out now. Like i said - I am building a large train station so I have no way of shunting. This is the next best thing


If anyone is interested, I now have a basic DC controller (Bachmann) and, amazingly, after the 20+ years in storage, the old locos are all running fine.

The 2 new locos are silent and slow and I hold out great hopes for smooth slow shunting, even with DC.

The old Roco points aren't performing as well (after their 20 years in a box) as I hoped/remembered and Peco code55 is back in contention.

Friday's post also brought some quayside walling from Langley.

Hallo Angus,

what a small world! Ich komme aus Münster! Ich lebe allerdings jetzt in New York City. Vielleicht kann ich da in Saerbeck mal vorbeifahren, wenn ich meine Mutter mal wieder besuche, und Fotos machen.

Nur so aus Interesse: Das "ae" ist das westfälische Dehnungs-E. Wird also "Saarbeck" ausgesprochen, nicht "Särbeck". War immer mal lustig, wenn der WDR in den Verkehrsnachrichten Coesfeld als "Zösfeld" statt als "Koosfeld" aussprach.

(Please let me know if you don't understand something here in German, and I can translate.)


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