1zu160 - Forum

N-tram FineScale-Kupplungen

THEMA: 1 zu 160 Umfragen (Polls)

THEMA: 1 zu 160 Umfragen (Polls)
PSi - 29.03.21 21:16
Hello, I'm sorry that I write in english. 1zu160 forum has polls, and old poll results can be found at:

"Umfragen auf 1zu160":

I wonder why the polls are not recursive: Why not ask same questions again and again, so that we could find out how 1zu160 member's hobby is changing.

The last query about command control systems was in 2006.

A lot of things have happened since then. I'd wish 1zu160 would ask again what command control system (if any) 1zu160 members are curently using. In addition to different brands I think the question about protocoll (multiple answers in case of multiprotocoll command station's multiprotocoll possibility is used (NMRA-DCC, Motorola, mfx, Selectrix) and the system bus (X-bus, Canbus, LocoNet etc) might be of interest.

I'd be keen to know what layout control programmes 1zu160 members are using (Freiwald, JMRI, etc)

Having same basic questions every year might tell us what the trends are, no?


Hi pekka,
everyone can do surveys here. You can also start the same survey every year if you want;)
Best regards

Hallo pekka,
Hier kann jeder Umfragen durchführen. Du kannst auch jedes Jahr dieselbe Umfrage starten, wenn du möchtest;)
Beste Grüße

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Hi pekka,

Holgers answer is the same answer I'd give, too.
Do'nt be angry. Ask what You would like to know.

Have a good one

No such kind of polls in finnland?

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