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THEMA: Arnold is coming out with a French 141R

THEMA: Arnold is coming out with a French 141R
5411 - 21.06.22 04:47
I have seen on an American train shops website that a 141R will soon be available. Is it available in Germany? Does anyone know anything about it? The shop is Reynaulds near Chicago.


not yet available. But soon I think. You will find information about it on the website of Arnold Hornby.

Hi Larry,

in the french forum you find always updates in the topic ' 141R Arnold', here for example https://le-forum-du-n.1fr1.net/t35361p175-141r-arnold you can find pictures of the samples in the reply of February 8th:

On Arnold-website you can search also for the SNCF 141R - models:
https://uk.arnoldmodel.com/?langSelect=true, some versions scheduled for Autumn 2022 at the moment https://uk.arnoldmodel.com/products/sncf-steam...ry-period-iii-hn2482 , some versions for the winter.

Thank you for the information- Yes, it is a "must have" on my layout!
Hallo zusammen,

herstellerseitig, scheint das gute Stück in allen Versionen schon komplett ausverkauft zu sein....

Gruß Tom
also wenn ich bei Arnold auf der Seite nachschaue ist die in allen Versionen noch vorbestellbar, also nicht werksseitig ausverkauft!
A.T. (nicht E.T. oder AT-AT)
Ich hatte bei City Toys Dorsten geschaut, dort sind alle Arnoldmodelle noch vorbestellbar bis auf die 141 R


Gruß Tom
Hier übrigens noch paar Zugbildungen zur 141 R:


Gruß Tom

If you are based in the US, I would suggest you check out www.tee.com
They also sell Arnold and are usually more reasonably priced than Reynaulds. Also, www.dm-toys.de ships to the US for a very reasonable rate.

Greetings from Seattle

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