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THEMA: Arnold DCC stuttering when running digital

THEMA: Arnold DCC stuttering when running digital
Mathew - 29.12.23 21:38
Hallo zusammen,
I bought a used Arnold DCC locomotive from eBay and I have been using it on my Kato analog layout. Today I plugged in my Märklin MS2 to test the digital function of the Lok and it was stuttering. I placed a video link to show the issue. Is there something wrong with the decoder or how it has been fitted?


Hi Mathew,

it looks more like a DC locomotive. Are you sure that it's equipped with a DCC decoder? Could you open it and have a look?
If there's a decoder in it, it's probably a pretty old one which can't cope with the mixed digital signal, that the MS2 is putting out by default. Then you could try to disable MM and MFX, so that only DCC is sent to the track.

Oh, and welcome to this board by the way!

Best regards

Hi Mathew,
is the light in the driving direction also "on" ?
kind regards

the motor is chirping, and the rear lights are on. I'd bet there is no decoder at all inside this loco or it is completely blown.

Greez, Peter W.

Incidentally, this is not an Arnold locomotive, but one from Fleischmann. Just take off the body and you'll immediately see what it is.

Regards, Micha
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I ran it on Analog again and noticed that both lights come on when I reverse. No lights come on when moving forward.
I took of the cover and made some pictures but I do not see a decoder. But when changing some parameters such as VMAX with my Controller I definitely heard an electronic pinging as if the configuration was being accepted.
I ran it in digital again and it moves/jerks only in the reverse direction with the lights on.

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this locomotive is definitely not from Fleischmann. It is an old Arnold model which was from Arnold never available in digital. Maybe it was upgraded with a hidden decoder unter the board. A few pictures would be helpful

no decoder, power seems to go direct motor, chirping while DCC and klicking while MM protocol is fed to the rails.

Also it seems to me there are even no diodes, so both bulbs should glow. Maybe one of them is blown out.

Disregard the reaction to your controller, a standard DCC CV write command never ever creates pinging sounds at all, it should just make one single click on the motor.

Apparently you have been cheated by the seller.

Regards, Peter
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Also it seems to me there are even no diodes

They are under the bulbs.

Jürgen H.
Thank you everyone for the quick responses and troubleshooting. I have contacted the seller because he has a 100% rating on Ebay so i am hoping it was an honest mistake on their part. I will post updates once i know more.

Hi everyone who helped me with troubleshooting. The seller admitted it was an honest mistake and it indeed was Analog.

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