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THEMA: Interfrigo Logo: Welche Form ab wann?

THEMA: Interfrigo Logo: Welche Form ab wann?
Frankmhk - 20.09.18 17:27
ich habe durch Zufall hier https://www.drehscheibe-online.de/foren/read.p...,8673669#msg-8673669 einen interessanten Waggon (Maschinenkühlwagen Laghs) gefunden, der offenbar 1999 ! von der Firma Graaff erbaut wurde. Er zeigt ein langes einfarbiges Interfrigo Logo plus Stern in einer Linie. Ich kannte bisher das zweizeilige Logo wie es z. B. auf dem Minitrix 13248 angebracht ist.
Ist das einzeilige Logo jetzt das neuere gewesen, gab es beide parallel ?
Mehano H0 hatte obigen Wagen übrigens als "Waf 36" im Angebot.
Danke im voraus.

PS: schon 2003 war dieser Waggon schon einmal hier im Forum Thema https://www.1zu160.net/scripte/forum/forum_show.php?id=5607
Einige Waggons werden hier https://www.drehscheibe-online.de/foren/read.php?031,6048731,7363141 ,allerdings umlackiert, auch heute noch verwendet.

Hallo Frank,

dazu hatte ich mir mal etwas abgespeichert (ist nicht mehr online):

Zitat - Antwort-Nr.: | Name:

Looking through my books and pictures I've been able to come up with the following logos:

1. Black INTERFRIGO, single line in sans serif font

2. Blue INTERFRIGO, single line in sans serif font

3. Red INTERFRIGO, single line in sans serif font

4. INTER FRIGO in two lines, italicized font. Both words blue

5. INTER FRIGO in two lines, italicized font. First word in white and outlined in blue, second word filled blue

6. INTER FRIGO in two lines, italicized font. Both words filled, but first word light blue, second word dark blue

7. INTERFRIGO in one line in medium blue italicized font
Now, here's what I've been able to come up with in terms of dates to attach to these logos.

Logo 1, the all black text, seems to be one of the earliest of these designs.

In 1965 Werkspoor in NL releases a new series of refrigerators for Interfrigo with logo design 3 (red letters). Further refrigerators are produced that same year by SNIA in Italy for Interfrigo and these also carry the red large lettering.

I also have a photo that judging from the wagon number is probably from the 1970s, which shows an Ibes (UIC Type I) refrigerator of the NS with logo type 2 (blue letters).

My first indication of a two-lined logo is in 1977. I have an Interfrigo ad from a book published that year showing some refrigerators being loaded onto a ferry boat bearing logo type 4 with the "racing snowflake" logo as well. This is borne out by model manufacturer catalogs that I have from the late 1970's that begin to show this logo.

I imagine that the logo design 5, with the INTER outlined and the FRIGO filled, was probably a design from about the same time as this also appears in catalogs of model manufacturers from 1984 forward. Admittedly my materials about this are not exhaustive.

The logo with the light blue and dark blue combination is probably a 1980's creation. I find no evidence of it before then and it "looks" 1980's. :)

At some point in the late 1980's or early 1990's it appears that Interfrigo also began ordering refrigerators with the word INTERFRIGO spelled out in one line, but in an italicized font with the racing snowflake logo at the end. This logo was being used at least as recently as 2004, as I have pictures of new wagons delivered to Interfrigo from that year with this logo.

So to answer your question about 1970, I think you would certainly be safe with the Logos 2 and 3.

Hope this is useful. If you would like more info I can ask around. I'm sure I can get a very in depth answer for you with a little bit more research.

All the best,

Ich hoffe das hilft dir etwas weiter...


Hallo Roger,
genau sowas habe ich gesucht (aber leider nicht gefunden   ). Vielen Dank!


in Rheinkamp am Niederrhein stehen schon jahrelang zwei Gleise voll mit den Wagen und komischerweise haben die noch relativ frische Fristen. Bewegt wurden diese Wagen für mein Empfinden aber schon ewig nicht mehr.

Wenn das die genannten Wagen in dem Link sind und man der Nummernfolge glauben darf, dann wurden davon 21 Wagen gebaut. Und anscheinend - nun wohl bis auf zwei - stehen noch in Rheinkamp.



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