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THEMA: Catenary may Improoves current pickup at DCC

THEMA: Catenary may Improoves current pickup at DCC
Vadim - 25.09.09 15:01
Topic: Catenary may Improoves current pickup at DCC and can reduce sensitivity to rail dust or dirt!

My real experience with TRIX E40 loco:

1) We take the Loco and mooving wheels with traction tires (which insulates current pickup) onto one side of loco.
2) Inside Loco both pantographs we connect to side with traction tires.
3) Then,  at a layout,  we connect Catenary to rail which loco's traction tires rides on, and fix this direction of loco, pointing small mark at roof of loco near pantograph.

AS A RESULT we obtain more dependable current pickup:
In this case we have :
1) all metallic wheels(without traction tires) - on one rail - one pole - good contact.
2) other rail with combined wheels together with duplicated catenary using 2 loco's pantographs  - second pole - also good contact.
If we temporary disconnect this rail - we ll see that only using TWO pantographs - give us  much more dependable current pickup than with usual  wheels and traction tires. And it's obvious - There are NO DIRT which may sitted down at catenary!

This approach is fully compartible with diesel locos without pantographs where traction tires remains on both sides.

What do You think about it?


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