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THEMA: How to make newer-derailing SLOPES?

THEMA: How to make newer-derailing SLOPES?
Vadim - 07.10.09 14:14
Topic: How to make newer-derailing SLOPES?  

When train moves at 2 deg. slope between tonnel and station this slope, probably,  is not so flat (but it cannot be seen even by thorough investigation), but, if we ll see on coupling between long passenger cars of mooving train, both parts of these couplings will move relative each other at vertical axe, and this amplitude can reach a half coupling's height(1-2 mm). If we load this train by additional 2 cars, pulling force, and, consequently, friction force in couplings will rise, leading to fixing this couplings, and one of car will rise up, hanging on this coupling, and wheels (one of cars, near this coupling) becomes flying in the air, and train derails.

This is all because of curvature of this slope is not so ideal.
Even small deviations can lead to derailment!

But how to measure so small distorsion? Which precise device must i have?

Or, must I put rails, and use this two cars every time in itterative adjustment-correction process of invisible plywood irregularity?  this method is too fiddly and result are not guaranteed! (((

Which method of conducting slope ways must i use to avoid it? - I dont know nothing more than plywood (6mm) and webbings (12mm)  in boxed wood layout(((

I dont Know(((
Please advice me something.



I think, there are small amount of people, who knows english(((
Therefore i have no answers.

I ll explain more precisely and continue:

To correct  layout I did a lot of corrections, using some accurate unbending layed track and laying under slippers some thin paper for correction.

By such way i corrected small bumps.

BUT how to correct this thing:

I have straight horisontal station, after station i have 2 deg. slope into tonnels after 6' smoothing interval.

This slope begins smooth, but not so smooth, and above mentioned defect derails some trains.  

I mean it can be repaired as follows:

Lets walk from station to tunnel walking at a 6':

BASE: station, - 0 deg.

following 6' - slope 0.5 deg

Next 6' - slope 1.0 deg.

Next 6' - slope 1.5 deg

Next 6' - slope 2.0 deg,  lasting all needing length ...

Total length of smooting - 4 cars (4*6') and it must have 4 webbings - One per 6', on which plywood will be arrested and skrewed!

Is it right?

How fast 2 deg. slope may begin ?


Hi Vadim,

just to get it straight: after your train leaves the station it´ll go on a 6 degrees steep climb up to the tunnel, wright ?

Well, to answer your request i need some more details about the materials you use, like track ( combined or flex ),  machinery ( types and manufacturer )  etc.

To give you a clue: on my track i use a climb of  5 cm based on a distance of about 100 cm flex-track ( Roco ). Even in narrow curved winding-up-direction no derailment ever happened to my DMU´s.
Concider that your climbing rate  ( cm per 100cm ) depends on what trains you wanna send up that hill. For example: if you have dubble-traction with some  5000 to of ore, it seems likely you need a longer climb then a short commuter train.  So less degrees.

anyway, hope to have helped you on track.


Vadim, if your gradient is only 2 degrees and is started gradually (and you seem to have a gradual transition) then you should have no problems. Are you sure the problem is caused by the gradient itself? It sounds more like a tracklaying problem. Going into a sudden gradient will cause decoupling but not normally derailment.
Even not wit a slope of 3degrees with radius 1 of GFN. I think it's more a matter of the correct laying of the track or a problem with the rolling stock.

Can you give information regarding the track and rolling material.

Just to proof that it works take a look here http:// www.youtube.com/profile?user=Seaking100#p/u/6/MD-ymu-oGCQ

KR Rob

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