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THEMA: Ballast and PVA (White Glue)

THEMA: Ballast and PVA (White Glue)
Vadim - 28.10.09 14:00
Topik: Ballast and PVA (White Glue)



Usually i see that settled between sleepers ballast rocks irrigated with water solution of PVA.

But i see PARADOX!  - Cork and glues for Cork and Track are rubber-like and works as antinoise tool, but dried PVA - becomes with whole construction to be rigid!

My question:  Do You know rubber - like glues for ballast  moistening and attachment ?



Hi Vadim,

doen't worry, the PVA settles not rock solid, when you diluted with water in a mixture of 1:5 and a drop of washingup liquid.

I've always used it that way on my H0 layouts without any trouble.


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