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THEMA: Rubber-like flexible gypsum for scenic works?

THEMA: Rubber-like flexible gypsum for scenic works?
Vadim - 25.11.09 11:26
Topic: How to make rubber -like flexible gypsum for scenic works?



I have question:

How to make rubber -like flexible gypsum for scenic works?

I need it for portable layout, in aim to avoid cracking of usual rigid gypsum during transportation.


Hi Vadim, I would try it with acrylic from a do-it-yourself store. Normaly you can paint it and even adhere what ever you want.

many greetings

You mean to mix Latex Caulk with Acrylic Schpackle?

Is it right?
Hi Vadem,

to be honest, I don't know what you mean, Here in Germany you can buy sealing compounds based on silicone or on acrylic. Silicone based  sealings compunds are used e.g. in bathrooms and they are not paintable. For other sealings compunds you should use acrylics sold in similar cartridges but much cheaper and available in different colours.

Thanks, N- Tracker.

I mean stuff like silicone sealants in mechanical properties , but paintable.
This properties has plenty of latex caulks

Also American friends adviced me these Schpackles:

1) http://phenopatch.com/product_details.aspx?product=8


2) http://www.dap.com/product_details.aspx?BrandID=136&SubcatID=23

What do You think about it?


Hi Vadim,

looks useable. The acrylics I have in mind are available in all of the do-it-yourself stores for less than an Euro for 310 ml. I've no idea of the price of the Schpackles. It they are not expensive just try it


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