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THEMA: My N-spoor test layout and Roco BR150/ VIDEO

THEMA: My N-spoor test layout and Roco BR150/ VIDEO
Vadim - 17.12.09 18:48
I m a beginner, and already made some part of my layout.

This is a first part of 4-part module with opened tunnel board.
Dimension: 2.40 M X 0.8M (94' X 31' )
Tunnel part has tunnel catenary
Minimum R = 12'
Maximum slope = 2.5 %
Some tracks are already ballasted and painted.

You can see run of remastered Roco BR-150 loco (like russian Che-Es-2) with 4 museum russian passnger cars "Oktjabrj", which were made by Pico at 80's


Roco BR-150  was remodelled:
Wheels are adopted to Code 55 track.
Trucks was cutted and make them arrested on first and last  axles
Additional Backlash added to all axles.
Pickup axles springed on Roco BR-101 manner.
Body Knuckle couplings, Cabine lights and Spartium was added.

Please ask questions and leave Your opinion.


By the way, this is my second try.
First try had the same track allighment and was 70 instead 80 cm wide and 2.0M instead 2.4M, and consisted of one physically-solid module instead 2 .

There You can see another video with my old layout and then compare it with new one(in first message):


(This new module consist of 2 parts, shortest of them has removable head (turn at 180 degrees after station))
First try was workable, but with heavy turnouts, radiuses (R=8') and slopes (2 deg instead 2 %) Also, plywood track plates has no stabilisation webbings along way under the table(bumps was occured). Also acetone-based glue for tracks lead to plastic destorsion and additional bumps. Hot gun Cork to plywood glueing also adds some bumps.
These drawbacks lead to occasional derailments (1 per 100 runs) and ploblems at turns for long base passenger cars at curved slopes. I decided that this work is undependable and reconstructed it usig new principals and other technology:

Dimensions: 2.4M X 0.8M (94' X 31')
Minimum Radius = 12'
Maximum slope = 2 %
Plywood(6mm thick) with stabilisation webbings along ways (under plywood).
Distance betwen crossway webbings reduced to 15cm(8')
Caoutchouc glue used for Cork
Latex glue used for Track
PVA used for ballasting.
Epoxy glue used for strengthening track near layout joints.
AirBrush used for paintig
For painting used Reveal mate paints at this sequence:
1) 8-dark deluted by 2 - for common darking rails and sleepers.
2) Ballasting with PVA (white ballast)
3) 85-rust (nondeluted)- rail side rust (painted by insuline syrringe)
4) 85-rust deluted by 10 slight common approach for whole ballast
5) 84-brown deluted by 10 - near rails
6) 83-dark brown deluted by 10 - sleepers middle
7) 8-dark - deluted by 2 - middle at shedd way(oil emulation)
9) 78-grey dust- deluted by 10 - final mate stage which make more reality for dusted track emulation.

Module insulation:
One rail - is common, another - insulated (for further automation, dispatcher control and anticollision system)

Principle of insulation:
Main block sections has length more than the longest train+ error in locodecoder stoppage

Main block modules are at station ways and at station-to-station blocs
short blocks also included between them for additional control passing at red.
So that: Long blocks - for smooth bracking, short blocks for rough emergency braking if previous bracking fails.

The scheme of upper ways insulation is:


As dispatcher panel and trottle i plan to use
Viessmann Commander 5300


Please ask questions and leave Your opinion.
I mean this information may help to someone



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