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THEMA: HELP! I Need DCC signal decoder for 20 signal

THEMA: HELP! I Need DCC signal decoder for 20 signal
Vadim - 28.09.10 16:47

Please help me.

I plan to have a lot of signals at layout.
But i cannot find out appropriate signal decoder with many DC outputs for LED signals .

Uhlenbrock LocoNet Switch module 63410 - has it, but requires LocoNet standart.
I havent any loconet.
I have only DCC.

Lenz LS 100 and LS 150 have DCC input, but have AC outputs and cannot work with DC (need for LED supply). In addition, they have up to 6 outputs, which allow to connect only 3 signals.

May be, do U know 20-32 output DCC signal decoders?
Please tell about it.


Hi Vadim,

you may operate the LED-Signals with AC also. Usually they come with a diode, which blocks the 'wrong' Part of an AC signal.
In fact LEDs don't need the diode, they work fine with AC.  


In fact LEDs don't need the diode, they work fine with AC.  

Sorry to say, but this is exceptionally wrong.
Operating LEDs with AC having a Vpp greater than 5 Volt is out of specification - only certain LEDs are spec'ed to withstand up to -12 V or more.
Although modern GaP/GaAs LEDs (i.e. the one with standard colors Red, Green, Amber, Yellow) do in fact withstand 15 Volts or more in reverse operation, noone will guarantee for that - the risk is up to you.
However most InGaP/InGaN LEDs (white, blue, pink, orange etc.) DO NOT withstand more than -5 V, some of them may withstand it, but most of them will die instantly.


U know 20-32 output DCC signal decoders

There is none, because a brick-sized decoder having such a large number of power outputs does not have any advantage over a conventional installation using centralized I/O terminals and spaghetti cabling.

The original concept of DCC accessory control was to have blocks of 4 pairs, that means 8 outputs per device. Also, there are signal decoders that control 1 or 2 signals per device, having preprogrammed light figures controlled by DCC commands rather than controlling the lights individually. The next step is to have signals with integrated electronics, so there is no need for external accessory decoder modules at all.

Regards/Grüße, Peter W.
If i ll use AC decoders with LEDs, using diodes, they will  flicker at frequency 50 Hz.
Additional capacitor -resistor is needed to remoove this effect.

Another disadvantage of AC - difficulties of making blinking signals.

May be are there anybody who knows DCC decoders with DC outputs or relay?


how is your knowledge in c programming?

You could use the OpenDecoders from the OpenDCC project and build your own.

I did the same and created 1 decoder for 64 switches, works great.

I need a similar project in the near future, i would like to use a decoder for all shunting signals, for 8 signals I need 16 channels.

The OpenDCC project can be found at www.opendcc.de

Programming is interesting,  but I build my whole layout by himself.
It requires about 10 years. If i ll make my own decoders - i ll dead faster than finish my layout!

Therefore i seek for already prepared and ready for use decoders!
Hallo Vadim,
I use this type decoder for signals, works good:
Thanks, But i cannot read Deutsch.
Can u type english link?

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