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THEMA: question on Daisy System

THEMA: question on Daisy System
Denny [Gast] - 19.01.04 10:11
sorry if I write in English, but as I already said in the past, my German is really poor :)

I have a question about the Daisy System (Daisy + Power2). I read accurately the manual, but I couldn't understand how exactly a locomotive address can be selected.
the manual talks about a memory stack where I can put up to 16 loco addresses. What I don't understand is if I have to use the memory stack by inserting the addresses of my locomotives, or if I can freely choose a loco (selecting its address by rotating the knob) and just control it.

anyone who has the Daisy System could please help me?
thanks in andvance,

I don't have the Daisy-System, but I've already used it. If I remember right, you've got to insert the adress first into the stack.

Thank you for your answer,


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