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THEMA: Where BR101 PowerPack Lives

THEMA: Where BR101 PowerPack Lives
Vadim - 27.04.11 17:32

cool idea, but I personally think, it changes the look of the locomotive too much.
it´s my opinion,too.
Hallo liebe Tüftler,
Wie macht man das denn dann, dass die Lok oder der eingebaute Akku merkt, wann er einsetzten musst, oder läuft der die ganze Zeit nebenher ?


Hello Björn .

It all depends...

Realistic bottom look has sense for collectors, who demand whole realism (similarness) at top and at bottom of modell.

As to me - I m not a collector, I m "rider".  I demand some realism only from tops of mooving locos, because i ll newer turn them up!  
But i demand extremely dependable electric pickup.
PowerPack, in combination with active Catenary and Reverse Loops  allows to continue ride even over extremely dirty rails, and extremely diminishes probability of loco stalling.
This fact is very essential for automated layout, and hidden  tunnels!

Do You wish to push stalling locos from tunnels by Swab? Isnt it? Or is it? :)
As to me - i dont wish so!

Please  see on this photo  :

As we can see, only strong illumination at side by powerful  torch can reveal powerpack.
In usual cases of illuminations this powerpack cannot be observed due to mat dark paint.

Hi Vadim,
ypur point.
I will ask the question of Tobi:
How does the powerpack realize when to come to action. How is it charged?
Hi folks,

as I think the power pack don´t "need to know", a simple electronic layout is enough to have a buffer function.
Have a look at http://www.1001-digital.de/pufferkondensator.php
Thre you can find a good describtion about using capacitance(not a battery).

Und auf deutsch:
der Puffer braucht keine Info wann er arbeiten soll, es ist eine einfach elektronische Schaltung.
Schaut einfach mal unter http://www.1001-digital.de/pufferkondensator.php
, dort ist eine gute Beschreibung dazu zu finden.

For me it is not a, lets say "round thing", a don´t like to see some technical stuff on the outside of an model loco, because I also look from side view on my layout ;o)

Viele Grüße,
Yes, I use the same charge circuitry for PowerPacks.
There photo of my other E40 power pack in masked as Fuel Tank under Electric Loco.

PowerPack of E40:

Look on Loco E40:


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