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THEMA: Roco N BR101 Making Sound! (Photo,Video)

THEMA: Roco N BR101 Making Sound! (Photo,Video)
Vadim - 27.06.12 16:50
TOPIC: Roco N BR101 Making Sound! (Photo,Video)

There is the stages of making SOUND in Roco N BR101:

Final Train VIDEO:


1) Making BOTTOM  BOX  and HOLE for LoudSpeaker:

2) Skrewing LoudSpeaker:

3)Adding  space for precise low-consumong motor:
DESCRIPTION WHY: Original motor supplys 150-300ma. new one - 7-12ma

4)Upper  Look at adding LoudSpeaker

5) Adding MOTOR

6) Adding PowerPacks:

7) Adding  upper Lid:

8) Addind new motherboard with Sound Decoder:

9) Adding Loco  Cover:


Please ask questions.

May be this information will helps to somebody.


Hi Vadim,

that is quite an upgrade!

Can you tell a little more about the power packs?

I've seen you are using them when possible.

They are SMD Capacitors? What values (capacity and voltage) are you using. Are they are certain size? How many do you use?


Hi Vadim,

i am a bit surprised that a motor needing only 5% of the watts of a normal one has equivalent power. But what beefit results on lower consumption für your model railway?  

Greetings AnTic
Hello Guus.

I use a sets of parallelly joined SMD D-Shaped  tantalum capacitors 100MkF per 20V  
My DCC voltage is 16V and, therefore, voltage at internal decoder supply after rectifier will  newer exceed 18V DC. So that,  I have 2v  in reserve.


Tantalum capacitors exploded very AGGRESIVELY!!!

Dont exceed nominal voltages, and leave some reserve!

If You have standart  Roco 16V AC trafo for Your DCC booster. please, newer think about  usage of  220MkF and others caps  per 16v!!!

After rectification You can achieve  peaks about 18V, DC at decoder's rectifier,  and Your caps will exploded,  Your loco any You  himself can be  be seriously injured!

Usually, Lenz, Zimo, TCS, ESU and other decoders has contacts for PowerPack connection.
Please, see instruction.

Cap's PowerPacks  must be connected through Resistor-diode circuitry, in aim to avoid surge charge currents, like on my photo:


At BR 101, disscussed above, i have 5+5+6 100MkFx20V caps , total capacity = 1600MkF.
This is enough to work with low consuming Maxon motor.


Hello AnTic!

I will explain:

1) Using Hi-efficiency low current  LEDS at passenger cars, and low consuming Hi-effective coreless motors at locos allow me to use only ONE DCC booster per whole layout!

2) Also, i exclude motor failure incidents, like often took place at TRIX, Arnold, and Roco models.

3) I have very stable motor's BEMFs and, therefore, my loco will have constant and precise braking distance, which allow to brake too smoothly and too realistic!

4) Hi-effective low consuming  motors allow to loco's powerpacks live longer time! This fact significantly decrease probability of loco stall!


Hi Vadim,

thanks for your reply.
What power (VAs) gives your booster to the layout and how many meters of rail do your layout have?

Antic, I have about 100 meter of summar track length, and more than 50 turnouts now.
Working part of my layout there, on Photos:

UPPER part:

UNDER part:


I have 3.2 A booster.
DCC is lied along layout  to all  block-sections  by thick TWISTED PAIR cable.

Therefore, form of DCC siglal is ideal at  every part of my layout:

Now i have 14 trains, under automatic control.
So that  2-4 usually mooves, and other stays.
Summary current is equal 320- 640ma.


I personally think your way of modifing trains is quite unique, not to say radical, but it works i would say. Great job.

Björn, This is not works.... This is works much and much BETTER! This locos becomes more dependable and achieve very stable run with good repeatability of results, eating  much less DCC current!   This locos dont contaminate rails by traction tires.... etc.

More radical modification  would be litihum battery powerpack and 2 videocameras :)

Hi Vadim,

excellent work, thanks for the Pic´s and Video.

I have now converted some Soundloks, but i prefer the decoder from CT Elektronik.
I think the sound is better. (You may used the ESU?)

Here are a few links to sound-modifications by me:




Christian W.
P.S. ...mein Englisch war schonmal besser
Hello Cristian W.

Yes, I use ESU LokSound4 micro with 4 Om loudspeakers.

1) Which CT decoder do You have? Which is loudspeaker resistance?

2) ESU loksounds  has powerpack ability, and my lok will not stall at dust  as Your loco at video at third link.
(where you kick it by finger)

3) Another ability - to load and configure all sound freely and fastly  via LokProgrammer & IBM-PC.
ESU has a big sound database for free!

Does CT electronic decoder can do it?

Please give a link on english, if possible.



1) SL75 an SL76, Link only in German.... http://www.tran.at http://www.1001-digital.de
The Loudspeaker has 8 Ohm.

2) SL75 and SL76 each have solder pads for connection of capacitors or Power Packs

In my 110, unfortunately, was no space for power packs

3) CT has no free Sound database, Load instructions for the sound see at htp://www.1001-digital.de

Christian W.

Thanks, Christian  for detailed answer!  

Powerpack is very important, and locos will annoying us without it, especially at N-Scale, where current pickup is not so good.

Another  arrangements for improoving - to spring wheels and trucks. It can improve electric pickup up to 3-4 times without usage of powerpacks.  

Third arrangement - weightening of loco. Even 30% of extra weight will significantly improove dust squashing!


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