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THEMA: Who plan to make DESIRO ML?

THEMA: Who plan to make DESIRO ML?
Vadim - 25.07.12 00:55
Which company plan to make DESIRO ML?
May be something knows there?

Thanks, Vadim.

Hi Vadim,

there are no rumours around. But I'm not a real insider.
The next big chance for the Desiro ML will be the Nuremburg toy fair in February 2013. Usually around mid-January noveltie-secrets start to leak

Best wishes
Hi Vadim,

As the Desiro ML here in Mid- and Western Europe isn't really the most well known EMU and no big railway network (apart from modified one for the RZD) ordered it until now, i don't really expect to see it as an N gauge model in the next year...


I also don't see any Desiro ML coming in N scale. For H0, maybe this would be something for the guys from "Russian Custom Train". They have some really nice brass models, the quality looks like Micro-Metakit. It even includes the Imperial train of the Tsar:


Greetings, Andreas

Ist der Belgische Staatsbahn kein 'big railway network'?
Der NMBS/SNCB hat 305 Desiro's bestellt!



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Hallo Dries,

Nein, fuer die Modellbahnszene leider nicht!

Da hat man bisher nicht mal die richtigen SNCB Wagen und Loks bis auf ein Paar Ausnahmen gebracht, das wird sich mit den Desiro ML bestimmt nicht aendern!


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