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THEMA: Auhagen 14472 - Lights in Rooms

THEMA: Auhagen 14472 - Lights in Rooms
Vadim - 06.10.13 17:49
I made blinking lights in MultiFlat buildings.
The solution is quite simply, without any processors and programming:

See Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpoyKalDCts

How it's made: (PhotoGallery and Schematic):


Gibt es jemand, der blinkende Lichter in Gebäuden?

Are there anybody, who made blinking lights in buildings?
Nice work, thaks for your post.

In a way your solution is simple, but in another way not, cause it needs a lot of work.

Blinking lights: I did with a ready to use module.

Some time ago someone presented a solution based on DCC here in the forum. If I want to equip more houses, this will be my choice.

Hello Vadim,

if you use a Arduino-Board you can do it very flexible.
Its very easy to use!

Look at my homepage

Best regards
->Blinking lights: I did with a ready to use module.

QUESTION: Please tell me name and catalogue number

-> if you use a Arduino-Board ...
You unsolder the Microprocessor from pre-programmed Arduino board, and solder it to LEDs?
(quite unclear how to do it)

Hello Vadim,

you find more information on Arduino Homepage and in the forum many very interesting projects.

->you find more information on Arduino

Yes. I already visited it. But  i dont understand how to choose chips,  write code, program external chips and  make it with LEDs.
I think that You buy Arduino, program it via USB, and, then, unsolder chip from Arduino MotherBoard,  and then, solder it to LEDs. Right?

As we can see and estimate,  it's a quite  big and separate thing!
If You know it -  It's quite good!  You can use it in RailRoad modelling simply and fastly!

Sorry, but I dont know it at all.  To learn it - will  l require a lot of time to learn data, processor language,...etc.

With the other hand: Making of layout - very big task itself!  There is no extra free-time!

Therefore I prefere to buy ready to use modules, or use quite simply solutions at not so critical things as lights in buildings.

It is named KORRPUS and includes pieces to seperate the lights within the building.

1) I cannot open instruction or PDF using this link for "Korpus".  There is even no any image of device.

2)As to Arduino: I must buy these boards, and learn programming language. May be, soldering LEDs to processor would be a bit  simpler,  but i must spend a lot of time, learning processor architecture and system of it's commands, then, i must write my own code, debig it.... etc...

Korrpus - a link with Pictures:

The product is maybe at it's end of lifecycle
Privét Vadim,

there is also the light computer LC-11 ( http://www.conrad.com/ce/en/product/217346/ ) from TAMS ( http://www.tams-online.de/htmls/produkte/lc/produkte_lc.html ).
I use it in two detached houses, and it looks very good there.


Thanks to all for Your respond!

Hello Uwe!  I read about Tams! I would need 12 per one my  Auhagen building = 120 Euros
But they are sufficiently big in size to place it inside buildings.

As to Korrpus:
I need to read PDF on electronic board and watch pictures of corrpus electronic board to estimate sizes.


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