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THEMA: Zwergsignal Verkehrs/Dwarf traffics(RU/US)

THEMA: Zwergsignal Verkehrs/Dwarf traffics(RU/US)
Vadim - 09.12.13 21:39
I invent simply method for making custom dwarf traffic lights. These type of dwarfs i also found at some USA roads. Please, see pictures. If You will be interested in, reply with a note, and i will tell how to made it!

There are NJ international in N-scale and My(Russian styled) dwarfs:



There is a Video:

There is an outlook:




Hi Vadim.
Please rename the german part of the title to Zwergsignal. So the People will better know how your article is about.
Looks great, especially the video

Thanks, Carsten!

And there are a Russian type mast traffic lights:


Priwet Vadim,

your Signals are looking fantastic. Really good work.

Can you explain the meaning of the signals? In Germany the drawf signals are just for shunting, but the russian drawfs seem to be for trains too, is it right?


There are the mast and dwalf  signals types. And, there are train (zug) and shunting signals type.
There are almost independant things, like train  and shunting routes  !

Mast signals are installed in places, where trains passed without stops. Engineer must easily detect it at distance, which more than braking distance. This is a strict safety rule!

Dwalf signals have shorter detecting distance.

Dwalf signals are installed  at  places, where train always make a stop( usually, at some  not-main tracks, which have deviation), or from dead-ends.

Output train-  and shunting signals are usually combined in Russia for economy. White(shunting) eye can be added as into mast- as well as into dwalf signal. Red - is common eye at this case.

For separated shunting signals which is placed at  tracks with train routes, red eye is changed into blue one. This is done in aim to avoid mixing shunting and train signals, where both types of routes exists.

Main differece betwen German and Russian behavior of train signals  based on rule: Russian train can be only pulled. (German: can be pulled or pushed) Russian pulled loco obviously must be only at  head of train. Therefore, red  signal occurs when first axle intersepts signal line. In case of pushed trains(For Germany) : red singal  must occur only after release of whole block section before signal.

Russian shunting signals works as German train signals, because shunting loco can as push, as well as pull the train.

And there, some mast signals at my layout:





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